Welcome to Metro Transit’s latest stop on the never-ending information superhighway, where we proudly showcase our team in action serving customers in communities from Fairview Heights to Maryland Heights and Shrewsbury to Shiloh.
While you’re here, expect to see plenty of familiar places (and maybe some familiar faces) in this exciting, educational tribute to the myriad accomplishments in our region made possible by all of us working together.
UP & AT IT. Hop on board for a little tour of the region that more than 2.8 million of us call Home. Your trusted guide will be Metro Transit, who’s proudly served both sides of the river since 1963.
WE ALL SUCCEED. From our very beginning, there’s always been a lot more riding on Metro than people. Like over $10.2 billion since 2011. So if money talks, listen up and watch this. You’ll see what we mean.
NEW RESOURCES, NEW REALITIES. Getting people to and from work is just the beginning of what Metro makes happen daily. We also help create new jobs by attracting large employers to our region.
WHERE YOU’RE COMING FROM. From U. City to Ferguson, from Shiloh to Scott Air Force Base, your Metro Transit team is committed to doing everything we can to make all our neighborhoods, neighborhoods.
Day in, day out, the Metro Transit team of more than 2,000 dedicated professionals keep our region’s multimodal transportation system running smoothly for the 2.8 million people we serve. Through our efforts, we help all kinds of individuals discover that thriving doesn’t always require driving.
As a region, thriving goes beyond how Metro gets our friends and neighbors where they need to be. The accessibility and efficiency Metro delivers also makes our metropolitan area more attractive to large employers seeking to relocate or expand, creating countless jobs in our communities.
In short, Metro exists to make sure our region and everyone in it are going the same direction – forward. Which is precisely the reason all of us need Metro, even if some of us haven’t ever taken Metro.

Just exactly where is “Metroville”? Just about everywhere you look – the countless places on both sides of the river Metro Transit vehicles carry customers to and from, day after day.
We’re proud of everything we do to help businesses of all sizes flourish and help people of all ages live, work and play. If you’re a citizen of Metroville with a story about Metro Transit’s impact on your life, simply fill out the form below. Who knows, maybe your voice will be the next one featured in our Metro Voices series of customer profiles.
A HOME RUN FOR RYAN. Next time you’re doing some Redbird watching, keep an eye out for Ryan, who counts on MetroLink and Metro Call-A-Ride to get him to the stadium on time.
BIG HELP TO A SMALL BUSINESS. All year long in all kinds of weather, Kimaiya and the other dancers from her company depend on Metro whether it’s showtime or simply time to rehearse.